Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Motivation to Live

Diposting oleh Crazier di 21.51
I have some motivation in this life. I will share it for you. and may be useful;)

o   Don’t give anyone a remote control to control your life. What they see in your life shouldn’t be what they want but what you want.
o   In life, some people will say goodbye. But always remember, when one says goodbye, another one will come and say hello
o   Just because you love some one, does not mean that you have to wait forever
o   Life is getting harder and harder. And to be strong, all you have to do is getting closer and closer to God.
o   Just because someone is not in my life anymore, doesn’t mean the memories about them are not in my heart.
o   LOVE  =  when you forgive me from things i can’t eve forgive my self.
o   It’s okay to cry, if you are in pain. Remember, tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can’t speak.

o   We all make mistakes. God not create us to be perfect. He just want to always learn from our mistakes and move on.
o   Be happy with what are you getting in life. But don’t be satisfied. Because the road to success never stop.
o   Friends  =  Like Balloons. Once they fly away and leave you, you can not never get them back. Never let go of your true friends.
o    The three words “ I Love You” mean more than life it self. In fact no word in the world can actually wholeheartedly describe that feeling.
o    When it feels like your world is falling apart, friends are the ones who help you hold it together

o    People can always judge you. It’s your choice to let you opinian affect you or to just don’t care and keep moving on.
o    Friendship is not about how you listen to their problems, but how you understand them when they really need you
o    Life is about the people you meet and how you feel with them. Go out and start creating, lifes too short to be spent alone

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